Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Strange New World!!

 So we are all floundering around in this odd new world of doing things a little differently!  We here at South End Antique Mall are no exception!  We are currently closed to those who want to “walk in” and shop. We recognize that on-going communication with our buyers is very important.  To that end we are covering our phone for those of you who have purchased items they need to pick-up, have found items on Craig’s List you want to purchase or just have general questions about the mall.  We can arrange a private pick-up so your personal space is protected.  Please feel free to call us at 503-678-5242.  Feel free to leave a message if no one answers. They will get back to you as soon as possible.  Thanks so much for your patience as we work this out in a way that will keep you and our staff safe!