What fun!! The holiday season has finally arrived! We have Thanksgiving this Thursday and that
seems to be the “strike of midnight” for Christmas shoppers and holiday
decorating. Don’t miss a visit to South
End Antique Mall for your holiday decorating, entertaining, or gift needs. Whether you decorate in an elegant way or go
crazy with the kitsch, we have something for you. This is the perfect week to check it
out! Our last big sale of the year is
this coming weekend. November 24
– 26
th is our Holiday Sale with the entire store offering 10% off. Some vendors give deeper discounts so now is
the time to stop by. Don’t expect the
traditional antique mall when you visit our store. We have an open layout that you wander
through with beautifully crafted and staged displays. The holiday season is a wonderful time to
visit Aurora so start your tour with South End Antique Mall!